Master of Science or Professional Science Masters in Coastal Zone Management - Virtual Information Session
Good afternoon everyone. Thank you so much for joining us. We'll give you all just a moment to get logged in, to check your sound, make sure everything is working. We're so glad that you're all here to join us today for virtual information session.
All right, it looks to me that everyone is logged in and we'll go ahead and get started. So good afternoon. Or whatever time it may be that you were watching this, if you're watching it prerecorded. My name is Jen Radwanski, and I'm the Associate Director for Graduate Admissions here at Stockton University, and I'm joined by my amazing colleagues in our Coastal Zone Management graduate program here at Stockton. And So what we're going to do today is give you a really in-depth overview of this program from the faculty themselves.
And answer any questions you have about the program, the application process and, and hope that you consider our program. So before we dive in, I want to just give you a few housekeeping items. Number one, this is being recorded and it is going to be shared later on. So if you do have any questions of a more personal nature, we would love for you to reach out to us and we'll give you our contact information at the end of this session. If you are watching it live as well, we would also share with you to save your questions.
The end because more than likely we will get to your questions in this in depth presentation. However, if we don't and you have questions, what we will do is a live Q&A at the end. If again you're watching it pre recorded, our contact information will will be there for you once you've concluded watching the session and we would be happy to answer any questions for you offline as well. So without further ado, I am going to turn things over to Doctor Khan and Doctor Sullivan to tell you more about the program. Thank you so much.
Thanks, Jen. Welcome, everyone. And today we are going to talk briefly about our program. Doctor Sullivan is going to talk about the different degree tracks and then we'll talk about admission requirements and other things as well. Before we do that, let's discuss very briefly why the coastal zone management is important for us. First thing is that the coastal zone is very important.
For its resources and livelihoods, when we say that if you think about the fisheries, energy, housing, recreation, tourism, all these things that that will tell you why the coastal zone is so important for us. And then also coastal zone is important for us because of all the challenges and stresses that we have been facing globally for so many years.
You all know about climate change.
And the related sea level rise and what it is doing to us. And together with that, you may also know that we are facing more extreme hurricanes and storm surges more frequently in the coastal zone and the coastal zone so rich in resources and all these great opportunities are facing these challenges. At the same time, we are also seeing.
Tremendous growth in population and all the development.
Activities, urbanization in the coastal zone. So as a as a consequence, we are also seeing a lot of environmental pollution in the coastal. So recognizing all these resources, opportunities and the and the stressors.
The Coastal Zone Management Act was introduced in 1972, which basically focused on the resources.
For its preservation, protection and development and whenever possible to enhance it. And as a result, we have been seeing an increasing demand for coastal zone managers. So what do we, what do we want from these coastal zone managers? What capacities or capabilities or skills should we have from them?
And if you if you look at the nature and dynamics of the coastal zone, we'll very soon recognize them.
That they should be able to integrate the knowledge from different disciplines like social science and ecology, but also the engineering knowledge, the technological knowledge. But not only that, they should also have understanding of the policies and regulations if they want to be very good coastal zone managers.
So in our program, we focus on these four areas of knowledge to provide an interdisciplinary knowledge but also a holistic view of the coastal zone.
Knowledge from physical sciences, engineering principles, technology, also ecology, uh, social science, uh, policy, law and regulations, uh, in the coastal zone, uh, with this view.
The main goals of our program is to understand the physical, chemical, biological and geological processes operating in the coastal zone, but also.
Explore different systems and physical processes involved in in all these at the same time we we aim to provide.
Basic understanding of human behavior and policies that are related to.
The coast to coastal management, but this is not all we, we recognize that coastal zone managers must be very good communicators also. So we provide opportunities for effective professional communication through different courses, but at the same time, uh, provide them analytical.
Skills, teamwork skills. Uh, so they become proficient in interdisciplinary coastal zone management.
So with this very brief overview, I'll now turn over to a short video that will give you more information on the on our program and then Dr. Sullivan will take over from there to talk more about different degree tracks that we have in the program. Then when we come back, we'll talk a bit about.
The the career opportunities coastal zone managers have and admission requirements.
OK, let's watch this video.
Thanks, Doctor Kahn. So I'm going to continue on with the presentation and give folks an overview of the three different degree options that we offer through Stockton's Coastal Zone Management program. We offer a Master of Science, a professional science Master's, and we also offer a certificate option. And I'd like to go through all three of these options in turn so that you can understand some of the similarities and also some of the differences between.
Three options. So our first degree option is a traditional Master of Science Ms. degree, and this includes a written thesis and an oral defense in combination with a committee that students put together at the beginning of their time in Stockton. The Master of Science requires 4 core courses.
5 electives and the bulk of the work that you'll be doing for the Master of Science is the the thesis research.
And typically, the thesis research lasts anywhere from three to four semesters, and as part of the Master of Science program, you'll be registering for thesis research over the course of your degree. The difference between the Ms. and the PSM and the certificate is that the Master of Science requires.
2 less core courses, and that's replaced by the thesis research credits, which make up the the bulk of the bulk of the work that students are doing towards their.
Elika Jaromi
12:11:32 PM
how would one apply for the certificate program?
Written thesis in their oral defense. Students that are interested in the Master of Science, it's really best for folks that are interested in continuing on an academic research. So if there are any participants that are interested in eventually going on for a PHDA, Master of Science would be sort of an appropriate springboard to that PhD program or if you're just interested in careers involving research, the Master of Sciences is probably.
Your best bet? One caveat related to the Master of Science.
To be admitted into the Master of Science program, we do ask that folks have a research topic and an advisor in mind so that when you come into the program you can get started on the initial phases of your thesis thesis research and have a a smooth transition from the core courses in the electives to.
A full-fledged research project which will typically take anywhere from three to four semesters.
To move on to the Professional Science Masters, so otherwise known as APSM, the Professional Science Masters option includes 6 core courses. So those are two additional core courses on top of the ones that folks would be doing for the masters option. Students in this track are required to take 4 electives, and then there's a capstone project which typically takes students anywhere from 1:00 to 2:00 semesters to complete.
Those of you that might be considering the professional science masters, it's really best for direct entry into various applied careers or professionals that might want to add a a graduate credential to their CV or resume.
And then finally, we have a certificate option and the certificate option consists of the six core courses that students have to take for the professional science masters option. There's no electives include included in this.
Students do not have to complete a capstone or a master's thesis, and this is really best for working professionals who might want to expand their knowledge base through additional classroom learning. Perhaps there are participants interested in maybe expanding their GIS knowledge or are interested in gaining information related to coastal planning, so the the certificate option might be for you if you're interested in getting.
Some additional courses, some additional.
Tara Srinivasan
12:13:54 PM
What are some examples of capstone projects P.S.M. students have done?
Experience, but not necessarily for an end point of a capstone or a masters thesis.
And just to go through some of the various courses that we offer through the Stockton Coastal Zone Management program. So I alluded to the core courses when I was mentioning the masters, PSM and the certificate options. So your core courses for the professional science masters and the certificate would be coastal ecosystems.
Coastal physical processes, Coastal zone policy, lawn planning, applied geographic information systems, and then project management and professional writing again for the PSM only or the graduate certificate students that are enrolled in the masters option for the core courses, you'll complete Coastal ecosystems, Coastal Physical processes, Lawn planning, and the Applied GIS course.
Just to give you a feel for some of the different sample electives. So we offer elective courses not just through the stock Stockton Coastal Zone Management program, but we also offer electives through the environmental science PSM program at Stockton. And there's a few electives that are also offered through the data science program at Stockton. So just some sample electives, coastal engineering principles.
Hydrographic instrumentation and surveys. Watershed Management. Statistical analysis.
Environmental Quality and we have a number of other electives, again that are affiliated with other programs at Stockton.
We have a number of affiliated faculty that are involved in the Coastal Zone management program, and these faculty span the marine science program, geology, environmental science, sustainability, those students that are interested in pursuing the master's degree option, several of the faculty that are listed on this list might be good candidates for advisors depending on whether they have research projects available.
If there are students out there that are considering the Ms. option.
You can talk to myself or Doctor Khan and we can connect you with some of the folks that are doing affiliated research through the the Coastal Zone Management Program.
And Justice to provide a couple of examples of student research that's currently ongoing either for the M degree or capstone projects related to the coastal zone management program. We have one study that involves harbor seal food dynamics prior to wind farm development. We have another student that's working on heavy metal contamination and coastal marshes.
Impacts of hybrid shore protection structures on horseshoe crab habitat.
Evaluating the effectiveness of coastal protection structures. And we also have a project underway where a student is modeling sediment transport in Delaware Bay. So hopefully this gives you an idea of the the three different degree options, the masters, professional science masters, the graduate certificate giving you a little bit of a feel for the core courses, the electives that we offer through the Coastal Zone management program.
You've seen some affiliated faculty that are available for research opportunities, either masters or capstone projects.
Tara Srinivasan
12:17:34 PM
I am currently a working professional but am interested in getting a P.S.M or M.S. (rather than a certificate). Are there flexible options for students who are looking to enroll part-time while continuing to work part-time (such as online/hybrid learning)?
And then a little bit of a feel for the different types of research that our students are currently undertaking through the program. And with that, I'm going to turn things back to Doctor Khan and he's going to talk about potential careers in the Post Hotel.
Thank you, Doctor Sullivan. That was a an excellent overview of the different degree options you'll have and an overview of the research our students are doing.
You must have seen a few broader areas for potential carriers in the video, but more specifically we have listed a few others here. For your information, we have students in our program currently.
Who are from the US Army Corps of Engineers and New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and you may know that NGDP or Department of Environmental Protection has division and coastal management. So those are more relevant or directly relevant areas for our graduates, but more specifically.
Our students can take up careers.
In as environmental scientists or specialists or project managers. Quality monitoring coordinator.
Coastal restoration projects of even food web analysis or hazard analysis analysis for those sort of jobs. They also have the flexibility to apply for jobs as coastal ocean and grafer and ecologist and consultants so.
There are lots of opportunities for our graduates that they can pursue after their graduation.
Sounds good, yes?
So with that, I, I believe we have provided a brief yet very useful overview of our program, your options, career opportunities and so on. I see a few questions in the chat box. Jen, I give it back to you if you'd like to respond to those. While you're talking about admission carrier, again, welcome and thank you so much.
Thank you both. So I'll cover the admissions criteria in the application process and then we'll open things up for questions and answers in just a moment. So as I'm going through this, please feel free to to start to prepare your questions for the chat, But I briefly wanted to review, you know, how do you apply? All right, you've heard all of this great information and you're like, yes, sign me up. How do I begin the application process? So whether it's for the Mississippi, the PSM or the certificate program, the application process is going to be the same.
The only difference is that once you enter the application, there is a different drop down box for the program that you're choosing. So everything on this slide is going to be the same for every one of those options. So first, you must have a completed baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution, specifically with an environmentally related major or sufficient math and science background. Now you can still have that.
Elika Jaromi
12:20:45 PM
is the application process for the certificate different if im a current student?
Baccalaureate in progress at the time of application. So for example, if you are planning to apply for the fall of 2025 and you're currently a senior and you're beginning your last semester.
Elika Jaromi
12:21:11 PM
thank you
Somewhere, whether it's at Stockton or elsewhere, you can apply next semester. So in the spring you can start your application while your final courses are in progress. And we would encourage you not to do it any sooner than that because we want to have the best idea of what your GPA looks like and the most amount of credits completed, and to also be able to see on your transcript the final courses that you will be taking for your program.
What we would simply ask is that you send us a completed transcript after you finish that last semester. So, for example, if you're graduating in May, you can go ahead and have transcripts sent to us, which we'll talk about in a moment.
And have them sent, let's say in February and then send us your final transcripts at the end of May once you've completed your, your degree. So the next part of this, there is a direct entry application for Stockton students who meet specific requirements. And the one most important requirement being a 3.25 GPA and have graduated within the last year. And so this is a piece that if you think you may be eligible or have questions, you're more than welcome to reach out to us and we'd be happy to discuss that with you further. The direct entry.
It is not automatically enrolling you into the program, but it's a much shorter application. And so it's just a way to say that we, we acknowledge that you are a Stockton student here and that you have been academically successful and meet the requirements for the shorter application, which involves you will not need to submit your transcript, you will not, we won't load it for you. You do not need to have letters of recommendation. So it's, it's a much shorter application and there's no application fee for that.
All of our applications do have an application fee of $50. There are different waivers that we could talk about on a one-on-one basis. So if you have questions about that, please don't hesitate to reach out.
And once you submit either the $50 application fee or the waiver code in whatever application you are completing, whether it's a direct entry application or a traditional application, after you do that, then you'll be able to load the rest of your materials. You will also be able to see the essay prompt. Every one of our graduate programs here at Stockton has an essay prompt. And again, you will be able to see that after the application fee is paid or your waiver code has been submitted.
Umm, for the essay, we encourage you to make sure that that is written by you, that you do have it proofread, umm, and that it does speak to the prompt and, and make sure that it answers the question. I know that sounds like a given, but uh, you'd be surprised how many essays we receive that don't answer the prompt. Umm, so that's a key piece of advice I would share with you all. Next part of things you will be requesting recommenders for your application. You'll need 3 letters of recommendation and at the.
Point where you start your application, you will be inputting your recommenders information, so you do not need to retrieve anything from them other than their permission and and and blessing to do the recommendation for you and their e-mail address. So everything is done electronically and out. We have something called sleep that's a system you're in right now. And when you do your application, everything will be done electronically. So you're going to put your recommenders name, e-mail address and title and then it's going to send them the paperwork.
They were not the paperwork, the electronic system that they need in order to complete your recommendation for you. It will also send out reminders. However, we strongly encourage you to tell your recommenders that you're putting their name down and also share with them the deadline for which your program, you know, the semester for the program that you're applying to. And then it's also really nice if you maybe give your recommenders a copy of your resume and tell them a little bit about the program that you're applying to so they can best speak to your ability.
To be successful in this program.
People often ask us, well, how do I pick recommenders? What's what's the best way? It really needs to be individuals who can speak to your academic success. It should be individuals that you've maybe had in the classroom at the undergraduate level, individuals you've done research with in the past or volunteer hours within a coastal environment. So, you know, we've had people say, well, could I have my next door neighbor write one? They've known me for 20 years. They can speak to my credibility.
And although that would be wonderful, they can't speak to your academic success. So it really needs to be folks on a professional and academic level who who can speak to your ability to succeed in this program.
The last few items that you'll need to to load are your resume. You will be able to do that on your own and you'll load that as APDF and then you'll also be submitting to us official transcripts. We cannot receive unofficial transcripts. They must be official transcripts.
Emma Bean
12:25:53 PM
Will the M.S. track provide a stipend and/or tuition waiver in the form of RA/TA/etc for the student if the advisor has funding?
If you are a Stockton student, we'll do our best to load those for you, but do keep an eye on that to make sure that those are all completed is still the responsibility of the student to to check on that, but we will to the best of our ability as those come in, try and load those for you. If you have taken coursework at any higher education institution, so you have an associate's degree or even if you had dual credit or at a college or university prior to attending.
Where you received your bachelor's degree.
We need to receive all of those transcripts. They do need to be sent to us directly. You can have them sent electronically. That is the way that we would suggest to have them sent 'cause it is the most efficient. You get a receipt for it and you can see when it's been received and it's the quickest. You can have them mailed to us and we would receive them that way as well. And if you have a copy yourself, we can take those, but only if they are in a sign, sealed on, unopened.
But we do recommend doing it electronically. The instructions on how to do so on our website, but basically you can have them emailed to grad school at stockton.edu or select Stockton and those tend to go to our undergrad admission office or our student records office, but they can load those on our behalf for you. If you are an international candidate, the one thing you will need to keep in mind is that for international candidates, in addition to having your official transcripts.
We need to have a transcript evaluation done of your international transcripts. Many institutions do not have the same credits, the same grading system, and in some cases, you know, in many cases your international transcript may not be in English. So in order to be able to input your information into our system for the program, you do need to have an official evaluation done. The three that we recommend are either Wes.
ECE or Span Tran and those can be found on We have a specific tab for international graduate students.
The other item that you would add if you are an international applicant is a copy of your passport, but all of that will be prompted when you begin your application, when you put in your permanent address, those will populate automatically as requirements for your application. We do have a admissions counselor or graduate admissions counselor specifically for our international candidates. His name is Matthew Shaw. And if you are planning to apply and you are an international candidate, we would strongly.
Recommend making an appointment, a virtual appointment with Matt. Umm, you can do so after December 1st. Uh, the best time would be to do so in December if you're planning to apply for the fall of 2025. And Matt will be able to help walk you through the specifics of the application you need as an international applicant and also be able to share information as far as visas that you would need in order to attend this in person program. Lastly, we would share with you all the GRE is not required for this program. However, if you've taken it for any other reason.
Elizabeth York
12:28:58 PM
Is there any financial assistance or scholarships available for graduates?
And you would like to submit that information, you are more than welcome to, but it is not in fact a requirement for the admission to this program. Alright, so with that being said, I'm going to dive into our Q&A and I'm going to share our contact information here on the last slide. So if there are again things of a more personal nature that you want to ask us, please feel free to e-mail us directly. We can also schedule a virtual one-on-one appointments for with any of you to talk about things further. So let's dive in.
Alexa Dringus
12:29:17 PM
1. What steps do you recommend taking to formulate a research thesis idea for the entry application?
2. What would a typical day look like for a student in the Master of Science Coastal Zone Management Program?
3. I’ve noticed a variety of photos of students out in the bay/marsh conducting research. Are field work opportunities very common within this program?
So Erica had a question or Elika, sorry, how would you apply for the certificate program again, same application process that we just reviewed for all three options. So we keep it really simple.
Tara has asked. I'm currently a working professional, but I'm interested in getting a PSM or Ms. rather than a certificate. Are there flexible options for students who are looking to enroll part-time while continuing to work part time, such as online hybrid learning? So Doctor Sullivan, Dr. Khan, do you want to take that one?
Yeah, I can respond to that. At this moment, we have part time options for students, but that's in terms of the number of credits they want to enroll.
You know, or register for but at this moment I believe we do not have the courses as hybrid.
In the hybrid mode.
Some courses allow partly hybrid.
Kayla Sullivan
12:30:26 PM
I am a marine science student at Stockton in my last year but I do not know exactly what I want to study. Would you still recommend this program even if we do not know exactly what we want to study?
But so far I know the, all the other courses, they're probably, uh, particularly in the coastal zone management program courses, uh, they're probably, they probably do not allow uh, uh, remote access courses.
I'll, I'll just add quickly that I think the majority of our courses usually are taught after 6:00 PM with, you know, the exception of during the summer. And there there's some field courses that have varying hours. But for folks that might be, you know, working a job during the day, the program is flexible in terms of when the, the courses are offered. So we don't necessarily have.
You know, fully online options, but we do have availability of classes later in the day which might help folks that are looking for more flexible schedules.
Thank you.
The next question we have is from Elizabeth and I can actually take this question. It says is there any financial assistance or scholarships available for graduates? So great question and such a great question. We have an entire other webinar for you devoted just to answer that question on December 3rd. So if you happen to be watching this prior to December 3rd, 2024, I would encourage you to sign up for it. It will be at noon same as this session and our friends and financial aid will be hosting to talk a little bit more about.
Tara Srinivasan
12:32:00 PM
As someone who is very familiar using GIS for analysis in a professional setting, curious whether the Applied GIS core course could be waived or further advanced for a students who may not require an introductory experience?
This topic, if you're watching after that, then we'll probably have posted that to our website. So check it out. But to answer briefly because it is a very broad question. So as far as financial aid specifically is concerned for graduate students, it is different than undergrad. There are less financial opportunities and mainly financial aid is given in in the form of.
Loans so there's not as many aid in scholarships through financial aid itself, so you can complete the the FAFSA form which would allow you to apply for for personal loans.
As far as scholarships and assistantships, so the institution does offer assistantships, they are not full assistantships. They are are partial. They usually pay for one to two credits and do provide you with an opportunity to do research within your program. And so you can apply for a graduate assistantship at the same time that you apply for the program. It's a, it's a tab within your application. And so we would encourage you to do that if you're considering in that, considering that and then depending on how many applicants.
And how many credits we are receiving in our budget. Doctor Khan and Drive Sullivan will make a decision on how many credits students will be receiving. It's not a guarantee, but we do try to provide as many opportunities to our students in that fashion that we can. For scholarships, 2 main things that you can consider can consider for scholarships. We don't have a large amount of scholarships for graduates.
Specifically, but what we do have is an opportunity for the ones that we do offer at Stockton is for you to apply for them in.
The spring semester, which then can be applied to your second year of Graduate School for fall and spring semester, and that's through our office of the our foundation scholarships. So our advancement office does offer that. It's a one time process and it allows you to apply for all graduate scholarships you're eligible for in one application for the next year. The other item that we always encourage graduate students to consider is that there are a lot of private scholarships.
Tara Srinivasan
12:34:19 PM
Are there working opportunities at Stockton for graduate students? Such as TA's in courses
So scholarships outside of the institution, and those can be anywhere from scholarships that are specific to your area of study or to your specific interest, hobbies or family affiliations, you know, for example, a local church. And although it takes a little bit of time to to look for those and to apply for those, they can be very fruitful if you take the time and energy. And in that webinar that we're going to offer on the third, we'll go in a little bit deeper about what that process looks like.
So do you have anything? Yeah.
Again, if if I may quickly add to that two things. One is we have a number of funded research projects that actually provide tuition to students and also on an hourly basis they also have the opportunity to work for that. Those projects those are with the faculty of the coastal zone management and affiliated faculty of the program, but also we.
Have several projects run by the Coastal Research Center. They also provide some kind of not always tuition, but also hourly at hourly rates. They can get some money from them as well. So these opportunities are there as well.
Elizabeth York
12:35:27 PM
Thank you!
Which is great because some of our other programs don't have those. So an added bonus of this program and specifically. So thank you. Thank you for that. Alexa has a couple of questions here and these are fantastic questions. So thank you for for asking these. So we'll take them one at a time. But number one, what steps do you recommend taking to formulate a research thesis idea for the, for the application process?
Yup, Yup.
So knowing that that's a part of of the Ms. the masters of science kind of application process.
Oh, I I can respond to that mark, if you like. OK, so I, I assume you're talking about the essay. If that is correct, when you're writing the essay, we asked encourage the students to include a research idea in the in the essay. I I'm assuming that's what you're asking.
So basically we would like to see a focus of the student in the program. That's what we are really looking for.
Where you want to focus on because coastal zone management that as we have discussed today is a very broad and interdisciplinary area. So you can have a focus on something in various science if you're coming from main science. So I, I suggest you base your focus on your on the strength that you have. So on the disciplinary knowledge that you have based on that, then focus on something a little more interdisciplinary in nature, so bringing another branch of knowledge in there.
And try and think about a practical application too, in this process and in this process. If you'd like to talk with us or contact us to get some more ideas, we are here to help you and assist you.
We can also connect folks with some of our affiliated faculty as well. So on one of the previous slides, there was a list of faculty members in the marine science program, environmental science, geology, sustainability. So if you see any folks that kind of overlap with your interest area, we can try to connect you with those faculty members. And if those faculty members have projects or funding, we can really try to make those connections.
Before you apply to the the program.
I'm going to, I'm going to jump around questions. I'm gonna get back to some of the other questions, but there's another one that I think ties into this. Kayla asked. I'm a marine science student at Stockton in my last year, but I do not know exactly what I want to study. Would you still recommend this program even if we do not know exactly what we want to study? I think that's a great question to follow up with that.
Yeah, I, I can respond to that again. Yes, sometimes you, you're not sure what you want to study or where you want to concentrate. I always suggest students that see what you are good at and based on that, see where you can move into or where you can progress further, just an extension of your existing knowledge and your strength and.
Think about about the opportunities in the in the different courseworks that we have.
Other opportunities in the program. So based on that, I think you can you should be able to find something that will be of your interest and will be aligned with your future career goals.
The professional science masters option might be a good kind of base curriculum for students that are still trying to, you know, maybe, you know, navigate what areas of the coastal zone they're interested in. And I would also note that, you know, the master's thesis is a, is a fairly, you know, intensive undertaking. And so we do, you know, recommend that, you know, students have a, a fairly focused topic if you're going to apply for the the.
Mass degree, but for the PSM, if you're still trying to, you know, figure out some sort of different, you know, branches in the coastal zone, that might be a good option. And if a, you know, thesis project comes up, there is the possibility of, of moving from the, the PSM into the, the Ms. program, provided there's funding and an advisor.
Great. Thank you. I'm going to combine two other questions to the kind of go hand in hand, which is what would a typical day look like for a student in this program and also.
Alexa asked that she knows. I've noticed a variety of photos of students out in the Bay and marsh conducting research. Our field work opportunities very common within this program.
Yeah, I, I think in, in several of our courses, student students go out in the field and those courses are actually very popular and they go to the field to their experiment using instruments. And uh, for example, they use uh, uh, uh, a mapping techniques to map the bathymetry.
And Doctor Sullivan is, uh, related with one of those those projects as well, so probably.
Doctor Sullivan, you can expand a little bit on that as well.
Yeah. And just I was thinking back to our slide mentioning the various research projects that students are currently undertaking for either, you know, their Ms. or professional science masters. And, and most of those research projects are, are strongly field based. So there's one project that involves field collections of stat samples from harbor seals and to a lesser extent Gray seals that over winter in Great Bay and that's a nice kind of.
Nation Field and Laboratory Project As Doctor Khan mentioned, there's a number of students at both the masters and the PSM level doing work with the Coastal Research Center. The coastal research folks are, you know, constantly going out. They're doing beach profile surveys for the state from Sandy Hook all the way down to Cape May. And we have a number of our students that are getting hands on experience with the.
Coastal Research Center as well as the the courses that Doctor Khan mentioned.
Alexa Dringus
12:41:42 PM
Thank you!
Perfect, thank you. Another question is, as someone who is very familiar using GIS for analysis in a professional setting, curious whether the applied GIS course could be waived or further advanced for a student who may not require an introductory experience.
Uh, this is a cold course, but I believe in the past, uh, Doctor Sullivan, if I'm not wrong, there was one instance where the student had significant knowledge in applied GIS and we probably recommended a waiver for that particular student. So it's basically a case by case, uh, consideration for the waiver if the student already has significant professional experience.
In applied GIS, so that can probably be can be considered based on that, yeah.
Tara Srinivasan
12:42:59 PM
Thank you!
Yeah. We might, you know, request evidence of various projects that folks have completed in the past. Or occasionally we have students that have taken GIS courses at other institutions. And so we can look at the syllabus for that course. And we're more than willing to evaluate previous experience, previous courses because we certainly don't want to have, you know, students essentially doing a repeat of what they've already had either professionally or.
You know, at another graduate program or at the undergraduate level. So we're we're willing to sit down and.
And review on a case by case basis.
Great. Alright. Looks like that brings us to our last question, UMM, which it says are there working opportunities at Stockton for graduate students such as TA and courses? Umm Tara, we, we did talk about the graduate assistantships, the UMM and it's not ATA position, but a research position. But the one item that I did not mention is we do have graduate coordinator positions as well at Stockton. Those are external to the program itself, but working in offices on campus or departments on campus, for example.
Life the Office of.
Event services and campus center activities. And so there's a number of those opportunities that you can apply for once you're admitted to the graduate program as well. But traditionally those are the the positions that most graduate students as a whole participate in in addition to in addition to the ones that Doctor Khan and Doctor Sullivan mentioned that were programs specific as well.
Great. All right. It looks like that has brought us to the end of our session here and we've gotten through all of our questions. I do want you to just jot down our information as you see here on the screen. If you come up with anything else application wise, program wise, we're here to help you. One of the things I was at a a in person grad school fair last month and someone there asked me what a colleague said.
Why would someone go to Stockton? Well, give me give me one reason why someone should choose Stockton for Graduate School, and without hesitation.
Thank you so much.
I said to them, it's our faculty. We have some of the most amazing and caring and talented faculty and this program is no exception to that, as you saw today through our presentation. So I want to thank you both. Thank you Doctor Khan, thank you, Doctor Sullivan for taking the time to share your information, your enthusiasm for your program and your wealth of knowledge. And I hope that our audience really got to see that shine through and and see how much you all really do care about this program and how special it is. So thank you both very much and thank you to everyone that has attended and is watching.
Pre recorded and we hope to see you soon. Have a great day everyone take care. Bye bye.
OK, goodbye.
Thank you. Take care.